Sunday, May 22, 2016

Come Boss!

Anyone growing up at a particular address on Cascade Highway NE, knows what that means...time to feed the cows!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The 6th for the 60th

Someone had a birthday in April.  A pretty important birthday.  Big in the fact that he's now been alive six decades.  Whew, right?

We got a pretty cool, major rainstorm right before dinner.  One of my favorite kinds where the sky is dark and yet somehow the sun still hits the rain as it pounds down.  Just awesome.

Luckily, before we ate, the weather was great for grillin' and chillin'.

But as I said rained.  People had to come in and canines had to stay out.

Plenty of room for all the people!

But for some weird reason, no one wanted to sit by these guys...weird, right?

They were chill by cake time though.

And then we got to do a great big, and I do mean GREAT BIG, family photo to celebrate the announcement of a 6th grandchild.  A perfect way to celebrate 60!