It's True! Just ask the new Lylianna Lou!
Lylianna Lou Fennimore,
7lb 11oz and 20.5"
Sometimes it happens.
Sometimes two of our favorite Fenn memories happen at. the. same. time.
But only sometimes.
This time it was hauling hay and eating crab at Grandma & Grandpa's.
When we were little, hauling hay was time to play with cousins, eat pizza, swim, and run through the hay fields while the menfolk hauled away.
It was sweaty, dirty, hot, itchy, hard work. And it still is.
Not that I really know. As a member of the womenfolk, I get to drive the truck.
And that's just fine with me. I mean driving is hard work too. You have to listen for 'hoa!' (which means stop) and deal with hay chaff getting in your face, and sometimes they haulers hitch a ride and they stink. That is TOUGH to deal with.
But this time, oh man, it was an absolutely gorgeous night on the farm. It was warm (good for someone sitting in a truck, bad for someone lifting, tossing, and stacking large, heavy bales), it smelled like sweet summer, and people were in a good mood.
Especially when Greg & Ken got in a wrestling (not sure how accurate 'wrestling' is) match that involved a bale of hay...yeah, no pictures of that one.
And then the hay was in the barn and it was time to eat. Hot ooey-gooey pizza awaited...and then Greg unpacked the masterpiece: a cooler full of Dungeness crab. And we sat on the deck with the most amazing view ever and sipped cold drinks and laughed and ate and relaxed. Doesn't get much better than that.