Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Pear Day

Somehow many months have sped by, many memories made, and many beers have been slurped and the Fenns have kept chugging along.  Today, despite a misty morning, nearly all the niece and nephew Fenns were out on the farm to harvest pears (poor Ryan had to stay home with his big sister, who is waiting for her exorcism).
The day begins with lots of buckets and mixed emotions from the kiddos...

Nonetheless they all headed down the steep driveway and clambered, leapt, climbed, or were lifted over the white fence and entered the pear field. Which is also a steep hill.

Oh. And there were dogs, too.  Four of the Fenn puppers who just couldn't have been happier to roam the farm and sniff the kiddos.

And then there were pears and the picking of them...

And then we were done. 

And thirsty. 
And hungry.

So piled in for pizza at the Rock Table.

All in all with only one casualty, the day was an overall success!