Thursday, August 18, 2016

Birthday Ponderings

Birthdays are often considered milestones for an individual and a time to celebrate the person who literally did NOTHING and yet he/she is the hero of the day.  Coming from a large family as we do, birthday celebrations are quite common and yet each is special in its own way.  My last birthday celebrated at home was for my, maybe I should say our, twenty-first. The celebration started the night before with absolutely no drinking with our delicious Double Jumbo Markum Burgers (RIP).  The five brothers then headed to Spirit Mountain Casino!  Upon arrival the date had already changed to August nineteenth!  We celebrated with shots and drinks that may or may not have been served out of the trunk of the Jeep.  We proceeded inside to the bar where a drunk gentleman proceeded to buy us two rounds of Jaeger Bombs (at five dollars each) when he found we were celebrating a double twenty-first birthday! We then continued onto the casino floor where I went and bought myself an expensive gift. Gambling. What a fun gift.  Throughout the night and possibly being caught on cameras in the parking lot the whole casino seemed to know who we were. We were celebrities for our charming personalities and tantalizing conversations! Haha.  Well we made it to the morning where we were to meet the rest of the family at Lincoln City.  Greg and I definitely held our alcohol like champs and we ate a champion’s breakfast before going to the beach! Ok, maybe I couldn’t eat anything and maybe Greg fell asleep at the table (my memory is a bit fuzzy).   I do recall making it to the beach where the sun was shining, well as much as Oregon allows. We then had a fun day of activities on the beach.  Before heading back I remember going to Chinook Winds with our OLD man (he is sixty!).  All in all this was an amazing twenty-first!
 After having lived overseas now for three years (give or take a month or two), I have realized how important birthdays are to me.  This is a time our family always spends together and celebrates whoever’s birthday it is.  As we get older we need and seem to want less.  For our birthday Greg and I have always celebrated together and Pat is normally nice enough to let us celebrate with him, what a nice big brother!  This has been some amazing memories of the family coming together and spending quality time together.  The last four birthdays I have had have been overseas and away from family. I am now aware of how much I don’t like celebrating my birthday.  This has been something I’ve always shared with my twin and on occasions Pat.  Celebrating my birthday is not something I have overly enjoyed.  I am excited for all the birthdays to come in our family whether it is the young or the old celebrating! Happy Birthday Greg and in a week happy birthday Pat!

Respectfully Submitted,
Sgt. Fennimore, G.J.
MSG Det. Havana, Cuba

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