Yo. Today was Sunday. Gotta work on the farm Cousin Style.
When you're really cold but your cousins think sitting in the bucket is a cool idea. (I taught Alana the Farmer's Blow today and she practiced diligently. Clearly our next conversation will be about Aim and Landing Zone.)
Thankful for a Grandpops who makes hot chocolate. Poor lil' cousin hands were f.r.e.e.z.i.n.g.
Greg is officially the most patient and awesome uncle/dad...dude had 5 kids on the backhoe and still managed to clear out blackberry bushes. And a fence post.
P.S. Flipping people off is a new concept in our house.
Teach them young.
Yup. It's poop.
Teeny tiny mushroom growing in the hollowed out part of the log.
Next weekend's to do list: mending fences.
What happens when the nieces and nephews rush ahead of you and you shout at them "Don't get on the 4-wheeler until I get there!"
When you hope that Uncle Greg will let you back on the backhoe with him if you stare at him with great big blue puppy dog eyes.
Giraffe Tree.
Giraffe Tree. Note: Emmett sobbed on the way home because he didn't get to see the Giraffe Tree. Dude was literally waiting for a giraffe.
The real work awaits.
Cyril is good in a pinch.
And last but not least: why is there a pile of oyster shells hidden under some bushes, way up on the hill?
Just kidding, here's the real last one: Happy Almost Spring!
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